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Golganthea needs to get back to her world with the news.

Nearly out of fuel, she must stop at a small backwater planet.

She waits, impatiently, while the ship refuels itself. Annoyed at her, the ship requests Golganthea go for a walk. She needs to keep her ship happy at all costs.

A dark and irreverent science fiction short.

Breath of Life:

Marta sets explosives for the Paradiso Mining Company. Paradiso, known for the aphrodisiac Sanshay, sits on the far side from the commonly traveled galaxy.

The oxygen supply on Marta’s suit stops working consistently.

Alone, she needs to get everything set up and get out before the oxygen stops completely. Crappy Paradiso Mining Company Gear.

A heart-warming tale about humanity in an inhuman world.

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